Sunday, September 9, 2012

Star Trek

Yesterday was the 46th anniversary of Star Trek.  I think that’s awesomely nerdy because Star Trek is the epitome of nerdiness. 

It's not just a favorite fandom for nerds like me.  Star Trek: The Original Series changed the world.  It inspired fans for generations; some of the first (published) fan fictions and conventions were of the Star Trek fandom.  Star Trek also gave hope to the civil rights movement.

"For me, [Star Trek] was a vision for the future," Ryan Germick, designer of the featured Star Trek Google doodle yesterday, said.  "I think it was also that it was multicultural, pro-science, and full of curiosity and passion. I think like a lot of good science-fiction, it sort of says a lot about its present era. We can really appreciate what Star Trek did in its time. As an adult, you can appreciate how progressive it was. You learned to be compassionate towards all kinds of people – even alien creatures."

I remember watching Star Trek, the original series and The Next Generation, as a kid with my dad. As I grew older, I quit watching it. My generation has been spoiled by the amazing special effects in movies and television today; I am.  I began watching Star Trek (everything) again after Star Trek, the 2009 movie, came out.  I began to appreciate what Star Trek is all about.  It is more than special effects and galactic adventures.  It's about good vs. evil, greed vs. generosity, tolerance, compassion, courage, sacrifice-- life.  The sequel to the 2009 movie is due out next year.  


  1. Enjoyed the read. The only thing bad about the 46th anniversary celebration is it reminds me of how old I am! Watched from the day it premiered and all the sequels. DS9 is my favorite. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Glad you enjoyed :) I love Star Trek! I've never seen DS9, but I want to. Star Trek: Enterprise is my favorite TV show of the universe. Besides the 2009 movie, IV is my favorite - so funny!
